Do we care more about our pets than our local wildlife?
Let's have a look inside this shinning tank and find out what it hides
Originally found in the south of China, these newts are now the most widely available pet newt species and can be purchased in pet shops across Europe. This species is not currently listed in CITES or the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations, but it’s been shown that is a potential carrier of Bsal fungus. Asian newts that carry this fungus may not look ill.
Our environment, and with it our wildlife, is suffering the devasting consequences of this fungus invasion
Chinese fire-bellied newt Cynops orientalis
Exotic species / Asia / Legal / Mortal fungus carrier
Bsal is a highly contagious chytrid fungus that only infects salamanders and newts. This fungus originated in East Asia and is thought to have arrived in Europe through the international pet trade.
Bsal can be transmitted through direct contact or through a contaminated surface. Its highly dispersable spores make the transmission very easy.
Asia / Mortal fungus
Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Bsal
How Bsal spreads in our environment
This species of salamander is found in most of southern and central Europe and it's protected over much of its range. It’s been confirmed that Bsal has caused a 96% decline in populations of Fire salamanders in the Netherlands.
Native species / Europe / Protected / Declining populations
Fire salamander Salamandra salamandra